What does coding have to do with your website optimization strategy?

Published Date:  24 May, 2023 | Updated Date:  05 Nov, 2024

When optimizing and securing websites, most businesses don’t look at what’s behind their website.

The code and server running your website could be hurting your website and business, which is why I’m referring to it as the silent website killer.

What does coding have to do with your website optimization strategy?

What does code have to do with your website optimization strategy?

PHP is a coding language that runs WordPress. This means there is another layer of configuration behind the administrator dashboard in WordPress.

Why should you care?

Because PHP continually evolves, and running your website on an older version of PHP leads to:

  • Slower websites which results in lost leads and sales. A website on PHP version 7 runs 2x faster compared to version 5. (source: interviewbit.com)
  • Latest plugins, themes and software are not compatible with older versions of PHP which can break your site when you run routine updates.
  • Older versions of PHP are not updated with security patches which can result in a hacked website.

So which PHP version should be used on the server that runs your website?

  • PHP 8.1 – Latest PHP version at the time of writing this. Best performance but test extensively as not all software and plugins are compatible. (Use caution)
  • PHP 8.0 – High performance PHP version. If you are changing PHP versions you will likely want to pick this one. Testing is still always required as some software may not have made their code compatible yet. (Recommended)
  • PHP 7.4 – Great performance and most stable version with WordPress. If you don’t have a developer in your team or are not working with an agency, you will want to upgrade to this version as a one-time project. (Recommended if you don’t have ongoing access to a developer or agency)
  • PHP 7.0 to 7.3 – Use this if you notice any compatibility issues with PHP 7.4 or higher.
  • PHP 6 and older – Upgrade as soon as possible. PHP 5 is often used on budget hosting providers. These versions are slow and not fully secured. (Upgrade asap)

How do I optimize my website if I use custom coding?

Bonus tip: If you are using custom coding on your site or a custom Theme then you must do extensive testing.

The coding expressions – how the code is written – has some slight modifications in between versions.

This means that your custom code must be reviewed to ensure the code continues to function properly and securely.

The PHP version is configured by your hosting provider. I recommend you reach out to your provider to find out the version you are using.

What is the best website optimization strategy for my website’s backend?

At The Digital Navigator we handle the PHP configuration for Wordpress when you have a website performance service plan.

Some of our clients have already been upgraded to PHP 8.0 while most sites will get migrated from PHP 7.4 to either PHP 8.0 or PHP 8.1 in the coming months. Upgrades are included and don’t incur additional charges.

Are you curious what’s going on under the hood of your website?

Then schedule a free website audit. You can also schedule a complimentary consultation to learn how we can help you improve your sales and provide peace of mind through our managed website services.

That’s it for today!

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