SEO Success Story | How Jen Gilchrist Created a Six-Figure Training Business in 20 Months

Published Date:  05 May, 2023 | Updated Date:  29 Jan, 2025

Learn how our proven marketing strategy helped Jen Gilchrist increase her monthly course sales and qualified leads, gaining $100K+ per campaign!

Campaign Overview for February – March 2022 Stats

  • Campaign Duration: 4 weeks
  • Ad Budget: $25,581
  • New Email Subscribers: 5,838
  • Cost per Lead: $3.43
  • Landing Page – Lead Conversion Rate: 46.99%
  • Students Enrolled: 63
  • Sales Page – Student Conversion Rate: 3.01%

Free Lucrative Funnel Masterclass


Jen Gilchrist wanted to pivot her already successful business to start a new spiritual and intuitive training business.

Yet, Jen had been coached by other mentors and Mastermind groups to deliver a spirituality program geared toward teaching business concepts that – while successful – weren’t in line with the content Jen really loved to create.

In other words she didn’t want to be a business mentor, but a spiritual mentor!

This scenario is extremely common for business leaders who are already making money from their business online – their offering may not always align with their vision for their business or life.


– Pol Cousineau, Founder The Digital Navigator

With a set goal in mind, Jen began looking for someone who could help her transition from one business offering to another.

Wouldn’t you know it, within weeks of starting her search, she discovered The Digital Navigator through another successful client of ours – Elysia Hartzell. After watching Elysia’s business blow up, she reached out to ask how we could do the same for her!

Read Elysia Hartzell’s Success Story with The Digital Navigator.

After a brief consultation, just like that we agreed to help Jen achieve her goal of realigning her business to suit her true vision.

In just 20 months, our team worked with Jen to create a new marketing strategy as well as launch a brand new product offering…AND create a newly designed website.

Our Founder Pol Cousineau then supplied Jen with a new strategy, mapped out a new course offering, helped restructure her business ideas, provided price-point analyses, and full content optimization for better search engine results…

…efforts which now deliver Jen over six-figures per campaign!

Through this effort, Jen was able to stop relying on her other offline business to focus on the work she really loved doing.

She also stopped teaching business as a part of her core programming, instead transitioning into energetic and spiritual modalities that improve life and business.

In fact her new brand and business has been so successful, she now rakes in more than $300K annually providing prerecorded workshops, Q & A sessions, and certifications (while we do the rest)!

But how was this all possible?

Blog cover image with a woman on a chair woring on her laptop with a plant in front of her and a giant webpage background behind her

The following case study takes you along the journey through our in-house web design, SEO, and marketing processes.

You’ll see exactly how Jen went from risk to reward by trusting our team to boost her revenue with a whole new business model.

You’ll also learn where she stands now on the road to financial success by her own merits as a spiritual mentor online!

Alright. Are you ready to discover the proven techniques we use to help coaches build businesses in their niche, just like Jen?

Then let’s begin!

Challenge #1 – Changing Routes with an Established Business

Jen is a Soul Alignment and Success Mentor who provides an incredible range of online workshops, courses, group training, and a certification program for adults interested in spirituality and intuition.

She mentors her students through Soul Success Unleashed to awaken their inherent soul gifts, and help them clear soul-level blocks so they can show up in all their brilliance.

Her work online has helped many highly sensitive people and empaths gain clarity about their unique soul message…

…yet Jen didn’t start out that way.

In fact, Jen had started to feel a misalignment between the material she wanted to provide, and the online digital content she had been coached to provide.

If she could just improve her existing educational platform to reflect her own vision for business and life, she could better serve the clients she so deeply cares for.

Still, Jen faced real challenges as a business owner with intermediate technical know-how.

First and foremost: her old website was not working. There were a lot of bugs, white screens, and redirect glitches. It also didn’t reflect her new branding and direction.

In other words her website was not responsive. Even she admitted she wasn’t really using it to its full potential!

It’s so important to leverage your website to build an online presence. Remember, it’s the part of your business over which you have the most control.


– Pol Cousineau, Founder The Digital Navigator

You see, Jen had been working with online website builders and social media tools that put her business at risk.

So although she had so much expertise in catering content to her audience, making money online, and creating product streams that people wanted to buy…

And even though she had a clear goal in mind about what new products she wanted to create…

She still needed experience and support to update her website to give new and returning students an incredible user experience.

It wasn’t long afterward that Jen connected with the founder of The Digital Navigator, Pol Cousineau.

In their first meetings, Jen learned just how we help entrepreneurs like her in the membership and coaching space build better educational platforms online.

That’s when The Digital Navigator team set out to support Jen as she improved her outreach to new audiences using our in-house expertise.

Our Solution – Website and Product Redesign for More Revenue

Our Solution – Website and Product Redesign for More Revenue

For this first challenge, The Digital Navigator team worked with Jen to curate a full website project.

The goal was to provide a great user experience while changing the direction of the business and offering.

We started by establishing a new website design and updated domain name.

Instead of relying on other platform builders, we created a new design and UI Kit using our Website Design Process.

During the design process, we also led Jen through our Marketing Intensive program. This is where our team does a deep dive into a client’s business to provide feedback on potential changes–especially where product offerings are concerned.

As we began exploring more about Jen Gilchrist’s Soul Success Unleashed…

…we realized the value of refining her customer avatar, which is a detailed profile of her ideal student, to help Jen reshape the flagship program she truly wanted to offer under her new business.

Once we nailed down what it was Jen wanted to teach, and aligned that with her customer avatar, we were free to rebuild her existing product framework to increase course sales!

Free Lucrative Funnel Masterclass

Our Process – Creating a Sales Funnel & Product Stream

On our advice, Jen’s next step was to do a small test of the Soul Success Unleashed program to gauge the response from her audience.

Using our proven sales funnel process, we led Jen’s Facebook audience to a single landing page where they could register for a Free 4-Day Masterclass.

This allowed us to deploy that beta test with the new programming, which resulted in 28 new student enrollments…way up from the six students she had previously!

We spent under $2k in ads to achieve these end results, and tapped into the email list from her previous business and FB group of less than 500 people. As of right now, there are 27k+ members in the group!

– Pol Cousineau, Founder The Digital Navigator

This gave Jen confidence that she was moving in the right direction of fully embodying her role as a spiritual teacher and mentor…

…however she still had inhibitions about whether it could be financially successful.

Would students really want to sign up for her new program?

With full assurance from us, Jen gave The Digital Navigator the go-ahead to increase her ad budget from $3K to $10K, since we had evidence that it would achieve similar success to the first.

Fast-forward to 2023 and we’re spending upwards of $25k per campaign with significantly profitable ROI!

Our product break-down looked something like this:

The first ‘chapter’ would be a paid program where students could learn all of the fundamentals of her spiritual programming and mentorship practice.

The second ‘chapter’ would then implement the full certification stream Jen had already created, using the fundamentals course as a ‘lead-in’ to this advanced series..

By splitting up one offering into two ‘chapters’, we effectively reduced the entry barrier for new students by offering a ‘snack-size’ course stream, while still providing the full certification option for long-term students.

Plus, with the price point for training and certification separately increased by about 150% of the original total cost, Jen was able to maximize her profits and build more loyalty within her student base!

With the sales funnel for her certification programming in place, our team wanted to ensure more sales using the proven SEO tactics we practice in house at The Digital Navigator.

However, it’s difficult to rank well on Google in the short term. We stayed transparent with Jen, letting her know that the process can take anywhere from one to two years through search engines…

…at which time we opted to leverage what we already had to get noticed!

That’s when we began working with Jen to share expert, SEO-friendly blog post content to her email and Facebook audiences.

These value adds would provide good will among her audiences–priming them to buy from our upcoming marketing campaign.

The long-view approach always benefits down the road thanks to more credibility, more authority…and most importantly, more wins on social media and through email marketing. Google doesn’t only see on-page traffic!


– Pol Cousineau, Founder The Digital Navigator

Taking a long-term approach to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be a challenging concept for business owners who want overnight results from Search Engines.

Especially if, like Jen, they aren’t sure how to get traffic on Google, which type of content would be popular, or what it would take to rank on the first page.

The good news is if you have an existing business, your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy can be prepared in one month, including expected results and time frame. Just remember it typically takes eight months for an existing business to gain serious traction with search traffic leads.

This is perhaps why Jen herself worried about juggling too much; recall she was extremely busy pivoting the vision of her business!

Would she have time to create all the content needed to rank on Google?

After much discussion, Jen agreed that a long-term approach would be best, since she wanted to keep growing her business.

She was also excited to share more content on social media and to her email list to nurture more relationships with the students she loves so much.

With Jen’s permission, we quickly moved into developing a long-term SEO strategy for her website that would eventually pay for itself!


Challenge #2 – Too Busy for SEO Optimization

Still, during Jen’s website design phase, we had our team of content writers get started on optimizing website content–since there were so many opportunities to capitalize on Jen’s existing expertise.

Her website being so new, it was also important to maximize content to make sure Google would take her seriously.

This was how she would be getting exciting long-term leads, after all!

However, since it’s difficult to rank well on Google, and although we let Jen know that the process can take anywhere from 12 to 24 months to get seriously good results on search engines we opted to leverage what we already had to get noticed. That’s when we began working with Jen to share expert blog post content to her email and Facebook audiences to provide good will, and give them tons of value–priming them to buy from our upcoming marketing campaign.

The long-view approach always benefits down the road thanks to more credibility, more authority…and most importantly, more wins on social media and through email marketing. Google doesn’t only see on-page traffic!

– Pol Cousineau, Founder The Digital Navigator

This concept can be challenging for business owners who want overnight results from Search Engines.

Especially if, like Jen, they aren’t sure how to get traffic on Google, which type of content would be popular, or what it would take to rank on the first page.

The good news is if you have an existing business, your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy can be prepared in one month, including expected results and time frame. Just remember it typically takes eight months for an existing business to gain serious traction with search traffic leads.

This is perhaps why Jen herself worried about juggling too much; recall she was extremely busy pivoting the vision of her business!

Would she have time to create all the content needed to rank on Google?

After much discussion, Jen agreed that a long-term approach would be best, since she wanted to keep growing her business.

She was also excited to share more content on social media and to her email list to nurture more relationships with the students she loves so much.

With Jen’s permission, we quickly moved into developing a long-term SEO strategy for her website that would eventually pay for itself!


Our Solution – Delegate the SEO Success Strategy

Jumping right into it, The Digital Navigator began building Jen’s website a new sitemap architecture–taking a huge technical (and content production!) load away from Jen’s to-do list.

This process meant deciding the key pages on her website we most wanted Google to notice.

To do so, our team committed to keyword research (recall, a keyword is a search term exactly as a user types it in the search engine), and then recommended the top ranking terms based on volume, i.e. how many people search for those terms every month.

If these keywords were in line with the training she was offering, and met our criteria for difficulty to rank scores…

…then those search terms were selected to increase website traffic to her new and existing content.

With Jen so busy creating sellable digital products for her new website, she began to rely more on our team of writers to build out SEO content quickly.

To make sure this content aligned with the SEO Keywords we had selected, we maximized content delivery with the following approach:

Our Process – Developing a Content Creation Strategy for SEO Success

Our Process - Developing a Content Creation Strategy for SEO Success

To build incredible content for Jen’s SEO Success, our team at The Digital Navigator would source and develop content topics based on Jen’s offerings and expertise.

Next, after sending Jen the topic in advance, we would meet with Jen to have her answer a few simple questions about the topic using her direct knowledge of the subject matter.

Finally, we assigned writers to write each article, submitted it for Jen’s final review to ensure the content is authentic, aligned and accurate, and then published it on Jen’s new website!

Our content creation process is simple: we interview our clients on impactful topics, and have our team of writers get creating. With a quick final review from the client for voice and expertise, a 20-hour writing job can turn into a two-hour time commitment with maximum value.


– Pol Cousineau, Founder The Digital Navigator

The important thing here was for our team to create several lead magnets for conversion within each piece of content.

Remember, this was a website that had no content on it to start. The first step was therefore to lead visitors to existing lead magnets–like the ones we had developed for the Facebook Ad campaign.

Once we gained more traction in terms of Google ranking and visitors, then we began to concentrate on lead magnets and insertions.

In fact we always recommend focusing on content production as opposed to conversions for new websites in any niche–for any other business we would start with lead magnet or conversion analyses due to existing traffic online.

Only when we found traffic increases on certain pages did we start looking at the metrics to know where to add different types of banner and header content, as well as forms to get more traffic.

Then, when we established a thorough content and conversion optimization process, we began to go back and look at existing content and continually align it with the newly discovered Search Keyword terms.

In Jen’s industry, for instance, the terms “psychic” and “clair abilities” were gaining traction on Google, while the terms Soul Contract and Souls Purpose are deeply related to the content Jen provides.

In response, the content team created content relating to Clairvoyance and Clairsentience, and included key ‘soul’ terms throughout existing content for greater ranking opportunities.

This strategy is called a spider-web content strategy, and includes reposting such content for backlinks on microblogging Web 2.0 sites like Wordpress, Google and Pinterest.

By then it was possible for us to commit to main link outreach from external sites using podcast content.

Not only did these segments get Jen in front of an audience, they maximized her viewership from external audiences as well!

These efforts have already seen major SEO success, and have boosted website traffic thanks to increased authority and ultra-sharable, expert content.

Now we routinely review all the conversation data, visitors on pages and more before creating new lead magnet banners and offers towards lead generation.

As we continued (and continue) to keep all Jen’s website code up to date, adding more layers to the ‘web’ of content on Jen’s site, it was time to extend our efforts into even more attention on Jen’s incredible new digital training platform!

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Challenge #3 – Marketing for Product Relaunch

Early on in our collaboration, Jen handed over the management of her ads to our team.

This meant we had full freedom to align all content and SEO efforts with a marketing strategy that would increase course sales.

Still, Jen wasn’t certain how that would all look when it came to creating sellable and free content options to share with her audience.

In fact, Jen was used to taking a hybrid approach to delivering online course content, including video training, workbooks, meditations, and live QA, including the first edition of her flagship offer.

Was it really possible that she could make content once…and sell it again and again through something as simple as email or Facebook?

What [The Digital Navigator] did was to help me cut the workload. I was a serial content creator; I always had new, creative ideas (shiny object syndrome) and would give up too soon to jump onto the next thing when I wasn’t getting enough traction right away. [The Digital Navigator] helped me stay and commit to one main offering. This helped me grow and optimize from 9 students to 85 for the same offering!”


– Jen Gilchrist, Soul Success Unleashed

To make that possible, Jen would need a launch strategy for her new flagship program; yet that wasn’t something she had done since she had first launched her online business.

She would also need to slow down her content delivery strategy using pre-recorded training and Q & A call offerings to cut down her workload by at least 50%.

With so many different approaches ahead of her – from email marketing, to Facebook ads, to limited time offers – Jen again turned to The Digital Navigator for help.

Our Solution – Test a 3-Month Marketing Campaign

Because we had been working so closely with Jen, and had shifted the scope of her ads and SEO already, we were finally ready to create a monthly marketing campaign.

The idea was simple: we would develop a short email marketing and workshop campaign centered around Jen’s central niche: spiritual development..

Then, we would promote these courses in a series of enrollment emails with limited time offers every month.

This strategy not only made it easier for existing and potential students to connect with and focus on specific spiritual topics of interest to them, but also built a network of content that would provide tons of value to students to keep them engaged.

By providing low-commitment course options (under $40), Jen also allowed new students to ‘test the waters’ with her modality. Then when these students experienced the value of her mentorship first-hand, many ascended to higher-commitment course options that cost more.

The added benefit here is that by committing to a schedule of workshops on a monthly basis, both Jen and her audience became more familiar with her enrollment schedule–translating into more new students, and better time management for Jen’s already-busy days.

When audiences are primed to expect new courses on a regular basis, they’re more likely to become first-time or repeat purchasers. They’ll also be more likely to buy her certification programs at higher rates later down the line.


– Pol Cousineau, Founder The Digital Navigator

So how did the cultivation process look from the top down?

First, we established a schedule where Jen would host spiritual workshops every month. Simple, two-hour sessions would mean two hours’ worth of sellable content.

Then, planning for about three months in advance, we had Jen pick a theme for each month.

Using that theme, we deployed an email sales campaign from the first Tuesday of each month to the first Thursday of each month.

During that limited time, Students could receive Jen’s regular material for $37 a workshop instead of $57 a workshop!

Emails were then sent to everyone on Jen’s email list (including the leads gathered from ads for her Masterclass series), while our writers redeveloped email content into social media posts for maximum outreach.

From there, we paired one hour of pre-recorded content with PDF handouts and other valuable offerings (including a one-hour live session in coming weeks) for attendees.

The one-hour live Q & A session was then recorded later, and made into an on-demand workshop that Jen added to her online training catalog of sellable digital products.

Finally, through the process of content and conversion optimization we had already created, we could better understand which offers were actually converting and capturing the leads Jen wanted.

These insights then fed into the themes of the next workshops Jen would create, and the whole cycle could start again!

Use Our Marketing Funnel Template

2023 Update: At the end of last year, we had Jen reduce her live Q&A events for more time savings and to give Jen the opportunity to be more present and comprehensive during recorded training sessions. Wanting to keep some Q&A sessions to ensure student success, Jen and the team understood that removing all live interaction might translate to loss of perceived value from students. To balance this effect, we had Jen collect material from the remaining Q&A sessions to answer specific questions about certain core concepts throughout each workshop and certification.


The Results – Multiple Six Figure Campaigns in 20 Months

I would say Jen’s efforts were a massive success. Not only did she draw in more than $100K in that first 20 months, but with three, four-week campaigns a year and tons of engagement, Jen’s sales are over $410K annually.


–Pol Cousineau, Founder The Digital Navigator

Everything from Jen’s website redesign, to her SEO strategy, to her updated marketing funnel approach closed out a massive success for Jen’s coaching business.

From the first few months when her updated website was unknown, to early 2022, her newest digital products offerings were seen by bigger audiences online…with over 40K impressions and over 800 clicks every month.

What are ‘clicks’ and ‘impressions’?

A click is when a user clicks on a link they found during their Google Search. Impressions are the number of times a website link is viewed in Google Search Results.

Reports from early this year tell us that Soul Success Unleashed is boasting an average of 900 keywords ranked on Google…with 23 of those keywords ranked on Google’s first page:

900 keywords ranked on Google…with 23 of those keywords ranked on Google’s first page:

In fact her growth continues to accelerate into 2023, where she has more than 1,906 organic monthly visitors (not including paid traffic) and 28% month-over-month growth on visitors from search engines.

Not only is she seeing lots more lead generation through her website, but she is seeing different types of purchases through her website as well.

This has led Soul Success Unleashed to where it is now, with hundreds of students per year enrolled in Jen’s programs, and multiple six figure incomes from her super-profitable new website.

With the toughest part of her work under her belt, Jen assures us she is fully committed to this new direction, and is very happy and blessed to have achieved her goal alongside The Digital Navigator team.

Since working with them I am getting 5 times the enrollment. They work great with my assistant and I trust that things are being handled behind the scenes between our teams. This gives me the energy and confidence to do what I love to do.


–Jen Gilchrist, Founder Soul Success Unleashed

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Client Business Profile

Jen Gilchrist, founder of Soul Success Unleashed, has been an entrepreneur for 20 years and a Spiritual Mentor for 10, going from struggling single mom to six-figure business owner doing what she loves, and empowering others to do the same.

She works with “Highly Sensitive” people and Spiritual Entrepreneurs on a deep level, helping them reclaim the confidence, trust, and tools needed to harness their intuition, align with their purpose, and step into their next level of leadership in business and in life.

She serves her students to help them make a bigger impact in the world while experiencing new levels of freedom of time, energy, and money in their purpose-driven business.

Photo of Jen Gilchrist with a laptop and podcasting microphone


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