How to avoid bad web hosting for serious business security

Published Date:  12 Jul, 2023 | Updated Date:  06 Nov, 2024

When working with a website host, most businesses don’t realize that they may be renting from a slumlord and the damage it can do to their business.

How to avoid bad web hosting for serious business security

How to Avoid Bad Web Hosting Problems

With rates between $3 to $20 a month the budget hosting providers are attractive. But they have to compromise on quality which may translate into lost sales for your business.

If your website gets hacked, your domain gets added on a blacklist, the loading speed is slow, your customer’s information is compromised, your site crashes without a backup, you don’t get found on Google and you pay extra for paid ads to get the same results, then those hosting slumlords become less attractive.

Our website management service includes hosting on top of the line Google servers and follows are the best practices outlined next:

6 signs that you have a slumlord host:

  1. They host your website on the same server space as other websites which puts your website at risk of viruses, hacks, blacklisting and slow speed because of the actions of other websites.
  2. When testing your website speed on GTmetrix, it takes more than 1 second for the server to respond.
  3. Your backup includes fine prints and can’t easily be recovered. At the time of writing this, Siteground hosting provider has a fine print saying that backups greater than 5GB are not reliable but they do not provide any warnings if you exceed this. It means your backup will likely be worthless if you ever need it.
  4. You must take manual backups. We provide 30-day rolling daily backups to all of our clients without them ever having to do anything.
  5. Email hosting is bundled with your hosting. We wrote a full guide on why you should keep your email hosting separate from your website hosting.
  6. When you type your website with http:// it delivers an unsecured version with a broken lock image in the URL address.

Not sure where your website stands? Get a free website audit and we’ll give you a sense of your website’s health.

That’s it for today!

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